Wednesday 18 April 2012

Cartier UK Announces Three Year Sponsorship of the Cartier Queen’s Cup 2012

Pukka Chukka: Cartier Polo

Cartier UK has agreed to sponsor the Queen’s Cup for the next the years. Arnaud M. Bamberger, Executive Chairman, Cartier UK said: “After 27 successful years of sponsorship of the International Day format in the UK, we felt it was time to change the formula to one which is more tournament focused. We are honoured to uphold our loyalty to the sport of polo with the Queen's Cup becoming the Cartier Queen’s Cup and therefore allowing us to continue our long-standing relationship with Guards Polo Club.”
  The Cartier Queen’s Cup is one of the world’s leading polo tournaments, starring the world’s greatest players. The opportunity to win the Cartier Queen’s Cup is a highlight for the sport’s elite and creates memorable high-goal matches for both players and spectators alike. HM The Queen first presented her cup in 1960 and has seen HRH Prince Philip play in the final and HRH Prince Charles go one better and win the trophy.
  The President’s Draw for the Cartier Queen’s Cup will be held on 15th May 2012 at the Cartier New Bond Street boutique. The tournament itself begins later that week and after three weeks of thrilling high-goal polo the leading four teams will head to the semi-finals on 13th June 2012.
  This world-leading tournament concludes four days later with a memorable final, historically played in the presence of HM The Queen, on Sunday 17th June 2012 at Guards Polo Club, located in the heart of Windsor Great Park.

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